Media, venues, and Doctor Noize’s Mother can find more Doctor Noize info and images here than anybuddy would ever need.

Lori Henriques, Grammy-Nominated Children’s Recording Artist
Thirty-one minutes of your life you’ll never get back. These two quacks should be sued for malpractice.

Media & PR Links…

Elizabeth Waldman Frazier
Waldmania! Publicity with style.
(415) 203-0220

Doctor Noize

Venue & Sound Tech Links…

Cory Cullinan
Doctor Noize Inc., Pictoria Creations & Reach Studios

Doctor Noize & Friends

Mission Statement:  Doctor Noize inspires creativity, curiosity and character thorough music, art and words.

Go Deeper…

Thank you for helping us bring sophisticated family fare to the world’s most important audience — kids.

Doctor Noize