The second installment of the Phineas McBoof saga continues and deepens Doctor Noize’s musical storytelling with new characters, production values almost unheard of in a family music release, and thought-provoking developments in leadership, purpose and friendship.

(Doctor Noize) is not afraid of taking risks.  Meticulously constructed and presented, the CD nonetheless exudes a sense of being created in the moment with unbounded humor. The album is a towering artistic achievement, that never feels weighty and reveals new secrets with each listening.
Dr. David Yearsley

Play The Album!

Doctor Noize productions inspire kids' minds and creativity and bring friends and families together.  Stream The Return of Phineas McBoof here free because the Doc believes great educational media should be available to all.  Then go pay it forward with what you do in your own life.

Go Deeper...

I’ve been given the rare opportunity to build a series for the most adventurous audience in the world — kids and the adults who belong to them.  I can’t imagine giving the next generation anything but my best, so I treat them as the budding creative geniuses they can be and the world needs.

Doctor Noize

What happens when the world’s most magnificent musical monkey returns home to perform The World’s Greatest Song?  Well… It’s not what you think. Take a tour with Phineas McBoof and The International Band Of Misunderstood Geniuses as they explore a wide range of sophisticated music and colorful characters. Meet their new friends Sidney The Beak, Luciano Frogerati, José The Ferret, and Placido Flamingo.  Learn how Doctor Noize himself joined the Band. And discover who will carry on when a leader must find his own way…

The Doc’s second release continues to challenge kids and the adults who belong to them to reach, featuring exquisite musical arrangements, a full orchestra on one track, jaw-dropping 3D illustrations on the album and book of the same name, wild humor, and a plotline that trusts kids to think seriously about the tough choices purpose sometimes presents you in life.